Select up to 50 images from your computer

Drop up to 50 files here to upload
Choose the compression level:
Resize to maximum: ×
Keep EXIF:
Convert CMYK to RGB:

Need more sizes of the same image?

Click on the drop file to optimize with JpegReducer icon, after the image was optimized, to open our Thumbnail Lab which offers seamless tools for smart thumbnail generation:

  • most usual thumbnail sizes - one click resize
  • smart cropping

Do you own a website and a lot of images that need to be optimized?

The largest part of the time spent loading a webpage comes from the images - about 60-70%. Just by optimizing all the site's images you can halve the time the user is waiting for your site's pages. Faster loading pages mean less bounces, a pleasant user experience and better search ranking. Jpeg Reducer is helping you with individual files, but what about optimizing thousands of images? A tool to automate the optimization would come in handy. For this purpose you can use ShortPixel's tools. ShortPixel uses advanced compression technology that reduces image size in bytes while keeping the images identical to the naked eye, thus making your pages load faster. Check it out here: ShortPixel Website

Lossy, Glossy or Lossless compression - which one is the best for me?

  • Lossy Compression is the best option for most users. The images processed with Lossy algorithms are the smallest optimized images you can get. So, if the speed of your site is paramount and you want the best balance between optimization and picture quality, we recommend to use Lossy optimization.
  • Glossy Compression is the best choice if you still care about your site's overall speed, but you believe that a slight loss of page speed is an acceptable compromise for a top notch image quality.
  • Lossless image Compression: optimized images are pixel-by-pixel identical with the originals, but they offer a smaller size reduction compared to either Lossy or Glossy processed files. If you want your images to remain untouched, then select this option.
JpegReducer - free image optimization online Manufactured by: Shortpixel Model: JpegReducer - free image optimization online Product ID: 1